Online Sports Betting Legalization Updates Across the United States

Introduction to the Growing Trend

The landscape of online sports betting in the United States is rapidly evolving. With more states moving towards legalization, the industry is set to expand significantly. As of now, 38 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico have legalized some form of sports betting. This article provides an update on the latest developments in various states, highlighting the ongoing efforts and challenges in legalizing online sports betting.

Missouri’s Push for Legalization

Missouri has been actively pursuing the legalization of online sports betting. In 2024, a ballot initiative proposed by Winning for Missouri Education garnered 340,000 signatures, ensuring it will face voters in November. If approved, Missouri sports betting could launch as early as early-2025. Despite several legislative sessions considering sports betting, progress has been slow. Senator Denny Hoskins has been a significant roadblock, supporting sports betting but insisting on including video lottery terminals (VLTs) legalization. Public opinion polls show mixed support, with a June 2024 poll revealing a narrow advantage for legalization.

North Carolina’s Successful Launch

North Carolina legalized online sports betting on March 11, 2024. Licensed operators like FanDuel and DraftKings began accepting various types of sports wagers. The North Carolina State Lottery Commission issued rules for implementing HB 347, effective January 8, 2024. This move has opened up new opportunities for sports enthusiasts in the state. The legalization is expected to bring significant tax revenue and a more regulated gambling environment.

Georgia’s Legislative Efforts

Georgia is making strides towards legalizing online sports betting. The Senate passed a bill (SB 386) to legalize online sports betting on February 1, 2024. This bill requires an amendment to the Georgia state constitution. The Senate also passed SR 579 on February 27, approving the required amendment for a statewide vote. Both SB 386 and SR 579 need House approval. If successful, the Georgia Lottery Corporation will license online betting platforms, with seven Type 1 licenses available through competitive procurement.

Alabama’s Legislative Challenges

Alabama is also in the race to legalize sports betting. The Alabama House passed two bills on February 15, which would overhaul the state’s gambling landscape if enacted. HB 152 would legalize in-person and online sports gambling, create the Alabama Gaming Commission, authorize up to seven casinos, and permit a state lottery. However, the Senate made major changes by removing the legalization of sports betting and casinos from these bills on March 5. Even if reconciled bills include sports betting and are approved by both House and Senate, ultimate enactment requires a constitutional amendment voted on by Alabama voters in November 2024.

Mississippi’s Online Betting Bill

Mississippi lawmakers are advancing a bill to legalize online sports betting. The Mississippi Mobile Sports Wagering Act was advanced by a House committee on January 30, 2024. The bill mandates that gambling companies must contract with brick-and-mortar gambling establishments to offer mobile sports betting. Estimates suggest that legalizing mobile sports betting could generate over $25 million annually in tax revenue for Mississippi. The bill aims to reduce the influence of illegal offshore sports betting platforms, which handle approximately $64 billion in wagers annually across the U.S.

Texas and Other States

Texas remains a challenging state for sports betting legalization. Despite support from major Texas sports franchises and figures like Mark Cuban, previous attempts have failed. The Texas Legislature meets every other year, and the next session is in an off-year. Gamblers must wait until the Legislature reconvenes in 2025 for another attempt. Other states like Florida, California, and Missouri are also being monitored for potential legalization efforts. Missouri has seen petitions at major sports events to get legalization on the ballot.

General Trends and Future Outlook

The trend towards legalizing online sports betting is gaining momentum across the United States. Many states have now legalized some form of online sports wagering, and additional states are drafting new bills or updating existing regulations. Operators and businesses should monitor updates to state laws and regulations to stay compliant and capitalize on new opportunities. The ultimate expectation is that legalization might reach the upper forties out of fifty states.


The legalization of online sports betting in the United States is a dynamic and evolving process. States like Missouri, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi are making significant strides towards legalizing and regulating the industry. As more states join the movement, the landscape of sports betting will continue to change, offering new opportunities for sports enthusiasts and generating substantial tax revenue for state governments. Stay tuned for more updates as the journey towards nationwide legalization progresses.