Penn National acquires Score Media & Gaming

Penn-Score acquisition + Q2 The top line Penn National is buying Toronto-listed Score Media & Gaming for $2bn in cash and shares. The deal will complete in Q122. Penn said it expects the deal to add c$200m in EBITDA within two years and $500m-plus at maturity. As per the pre-announced earnings last month, Q221 revenue […]

Aristocrat home on the range

The top line Revenue for the six months to March fell 1% to A$2.23bn but on a constant currency basis it rose 11%. EBITDA rose 6% to A$750.3m with EBITDA margin rising 230bps to 33.7%. Net profit after tax (NPAT) rose 18.4% to A$362.2m Revenues derived from gaming represented 46% of total group revenue while […]